One thing Kim and I talked about over our Egg McMuffins was rivalries. He's got a pretty healthy one going on with South Korea, so he knows the space. I pointed him to Nick's post on rivalries over at Buffalo This. Kim's response? "That guy is one punk-ass bitch."
We high-fived and I headed for the airport, where I had a nice chance to think about what a rivalry really is. Mirriam-Webster defines a rival as "one of two or more striving to reach or obtain something that only one can possess." I think this definition is perfect. Nick and I are both trying to achieve superstardom and superior knowledge on roaming land animals, and yet only I can possess it. It's a bit sad for him, but for people who have ever met Nick (and I hope nobody ever has to go through that), they know that if he wasn't blogging, he'd be cleaning out the deep fryer at Jack in the Box.

So to Nick (whoever he bet is on Nick Nolte), I accept your "rival" terminology. Just don't think you've got a shot.